Saturday, 26 November 2011

Our Constitution is silent about the “Office of Profit”

Our Constitution is silent about the “Office of Profit”

According to Article 99(1) of our Constitution, “A person who has held office as a judge otherwise than as an Additional Judge shall not, after his retirement or removal therefrom, plead or act before any court or authority or hold any office of profit in the service of the Republic not being a judicial or quasi-judicial office [or the office of Chief Advisor or Advisor]”.

The Supreme Court held in its decision that the posts of President, Prime Minister, Minister, Chief Advisor or Advisor are not Offices of Profit. Now the question arises that which posts would be called offices of Profit. It's disappointing that ourconstitution is silent about the definition of Office of Profit. At present, some people are surfacing their voice for bringing about changes in ourConstitution. My earnest request would be to consider change in this regard.



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প্রযুক্তিগত বোকামি ও সাম্প্রদায়িক সংঘাত

  ইন্টারনেট ১৯৬৯ সালে আবিস্কৃত হয়। গত ১৯৯৫ সালে ইন্টারনেট বাণিজ্যিক বা কর্পোরেট পন্য হিসেবে আবির্ভূত হয়ে চলমান রয়েছে। গত ১৯৯০ দশকে টেলিফো...